



MEMO #1015: Mobile Home Inspections - 10/23/02

Whenever inspections are performed, it is vital to our clients that mobile homes are accurately identified and timely reported as such. The foreclosure process for mobile homes often requires additional steps in order to obtain title and convey
the property to the investor/insurer or to a third party.

Following are a number of criteria you can use to identify mobile homes during inspections.

1. All manufactured homes are required to have a Department of Housing tag affixed to the rear section of the home. This requirement has been in effect since 1977. This small metal tag will include the point of origin and the home's serial number. If the home is more than one section (double-wide, triple-wide, etc.), each section will have a tag.

2. Multi-section homes always have a marriage line, a seam where the sections of the home are joined together. Identification of the marriage line is often the best way to identify a manufactured home. Note that the marriage line is often concealed by a trim strip on the front and back of the home.

3. The "peak" of the roof can also be a good indicator that these homes are manufactured homes. Most, although not all, roofs will also have a roof cap along the center of the roof. This roof cap is usually visible from the street. Occasionally older mobile homes will have flat roofs, but these are usually located in mobile home parks rather than on private property.

4. When manufactured homes are located on private property (ground-set), there will be a vapor barrier line around the home. This is a wood strip abutting the ground along the bottom of the home's siding.

5. On all ground-set homes, a ground access panel will be evident even from some distance away. Ground-set homes may be located on private property or in mobile home communities.

If you have any questions regarding this memo or about identifying mobile homes, please contact your Regional Coordinator.

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